Saturday, November 17, 2007

"Slowsky City" VS "Speed Racer-ville"

"Slowsky City" Drivers aka CO Drivers
(not me, yet!)


"Speed Racer-ville" aka TX Drivers
(much more my style)

First, let me say that I don't think either is better or worse. Let's just say they are complete polar opposites. Before moving back to Texas in '02, I did not enjoy driving in the Big D. The fast driving terrified me. I'm a pretty safe driver and have only had 1 ticket in my 20 years of driving. I'm not saying that I haven't deserved more tickets; I've just been fortunate. I also have an internal police radar that I think annoys both my husband and my sister since whenever they are driving I'll say "there's a cop" before anyone else sees one.

My job in TX required a lot of driving all over the metroplex, so I quickly became accustomed to driving fast. You either keep up or get ran over. I understand most non-southerners see southerners as "slow", but get them behind the wheel and fast is the only way to go. You do realize that most NASCAR fans are from the south, right? Most drivers in the Big D drive a minimum of 5 miles over the posted speed limit, typically more. In contrast, most drivers I've been around (obviously more behind them) in Colorado drive the exact posted speed limit or even worse, less than the posted speed limit.

So, on days when I'm busy doing important things (like blogging, reading or shopping), and realize I only have about 10 minutes to get to my daughter's school which is exactly a 10 min. drive, it gets to be a little annoying that I live in "Slowsky City" and no longer in "Speed Racer-ville".

So what can I learn from this?

Lesson #1: I need to leave sooner to get my sweet child so that I'm not the "late mom". 'Luckily, she has never been the last one in her class at school. :-)

Lesson #2: People seem to be just a little more laid back in Colorado. Maybe I should try it more. Question is, can I acclimate????


Unknown said...

Oh, no. I don't do slow driving. I get mad at the slowpokes on 75. I am the soccer type mom running everyone over.

Anonymous said...

Aren't the differences in driving styles interesting? When we moved to MA I was zooming past everyone on the interstate. They were all driving the speed limit, or close to it. Very well mannered folks.

But get them off of the interstate and on a two lane road? Or a parking lot? Speed racer for sure!

Now I'm back in AL where 20 over the limit is the standard speed. I have quickly adjusted!